The Lake Club Benoni Latest News

We want to share everything that's going on at the club with you! Every few weeks we have a newsletter that covers the winners of the Members Competition, success stories, upcoming events and tips from the Range. If you missed out on a newsletter or are new to the Club, dive into our achives!

Get excited for our 2025 Club Championships!

See who’s been winning at Lake Club Benoni

See the latest in results and upcoming events here in the newsletter:

Congratulations to this week's winners!

March is around the corner! If you haven't signed up for these events yet, make sure to get your name down and come join in the fun.
Read more here in the newsletter:

Dear valued members,

Re: Monthly and Annual Increases Effective 01 March 2025

We would like to inform you that as of 01 March 2025, there will be a standard increase to our monthly and annual fees.

These changes will be reflected on your next invoice. Please note that debit orders will be adjusted accordingly to reflect the new rates.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,
The Admin Office
The Lake Club Benoni

Your monthly news from golf, bowls, squash and more!

It has been quite a while since I sent out a message, so here is the latest update on the club’s progress.
Read more here in the newsletter:

Celebrating our winners!

See all the latest results here in the newsletter:

Dear Lake Golfers

The Medal Finals are taking place this Saturday, the 22nd of February 2025.
Attached are all the names of the qualifiers... if you haven't qualified, then why not try qualifying for next year!

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Your Golf Committee
The Lake Club Benoni

Tee off, raise funds, make a difference for your school

Join us this Friday for an all-around good time! There's the win-it-big Joker Draw, delicious food and drinks specials, and live music to enjoy.
Read more here in the newsletter:

The Joker is back! Join us this Friday

See the latest in results and upcoming events here in the newsletter:

Dear Members & Visitors,

Please join us for the Joker and 50 Club Draws taking place in the Swan Bar next week Friday the 7th of February 2025. Tickets for the Joker Draw will be sold from 17H45...Draws will commence from 18H30.
Joker Draw Tickets are R20.00 for 1, R50.00 for 3, R100.00 for 6...

The Joker Pot is currently sitting on R29,470.00

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Happening this week: the Desert Classic

See the latest in results and upcoming events here in the newsletter:

Johnson Crane Hire Marathon - Sunday 26th January 2025

Good Morning Lake Members & Visitors,

Please note that the Annual Johnson Crane Hire Marathon will be taking place this Sunday the 26th of January 2025. The runners / walkers will be passing the Lake Club during the course of the morning therefore please plan your trip / entry into the club timeously.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

Attention: Lake Golfers

The EGU has released the 2025 League Draws & Fixtures for all the respective Leagues.
This weekend saw the commencement of the Handicap League ... the other leagues will commence as follows :-
Senior League – 8th February
Mid-Am League – 5th April
Scratch League – 23rd March
For those members who ae interested in participating & representing Lake Club Benoni this season, the entry / participation forms are up on the notice bard in the halfway.
Kindly place your names on the lists for the respective leagues you’d like to participate.

Closing date for entering your name will be Thursday the 6th of February.

Yours in Golf
The Lake Club Benoni Golf Committee

Dear Golf Members,

Saturday Bookings

Please ensure that you submit your name / four ball to the Pro Shop by Wednesday 12H00 so that the Pro Shop can book Saturday rounds accordingly.

We are losing out on golf rounds due to late submissions / cancellations of rounds.
We appreciate your assistance and look forward to seeing you on the fairways.

Yours in Golf
The Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Golfers,

Please note that we will be hollow-tining our greens next week, this will take place from Monday the 20th of January until Friday the 24th of January, the course will be open for play from Saturday the 25th of January 2025.
Reciprocity for our members have been requested at the following clubs:-
Benoni Country Club
Please call these clubs directly to book your round.

Yours in Golf
The Lake Club Benoni

Don't miss our 2025 Desert Classic!

We hope to see you on the 25th! Read more for results and events here in the newsletter:

We hope you have a wonderful festive season!

Thank you for a great 2024 and for being part of our community. Have a great holiday season and enjoy the time with your family and friends. Read more here in the newsletter:

Dear Lake Members,

It is with a very heavy heart to notify you of the passing of Mr. Martin Griffin. Martin was a loyal member of Lake Club for almost 30 years, he loved his golf and he always greeted you with a friendly smile.

Our sincere condolences to Martin's family, friends and all who knew him, he will be sorely missed.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

R.I.P. Martin

From all Members, Staff & Exco
The Lake club Benoni

Celebrate the festive season with your favourite game!

Good Day Members.

We are having a busier than normal day at the club due to a Matric Farewell taking place from 15h00 this afternoon with the cars arriving to drop off the matriculants at the allocated drop off zone.

We have done our best to accommodate everyone and limit the disruption for normal club activities, however we do ask for patience and understanding with regards to the allocated parking and delayed traffic at the club.

Don't miss this week's exciting events!

See all the latest results and events here in the newsletter:

You can see our latest results and read more about our exciting specials and upcoming events in this week's newsletter:

Dear Lake Members,

Just a quick note to inform you that Wayne Shawe has stepped down as the Club Captain, Anthony Meredith who was Vice-Captain is now the Captain of Lake Club.
We would like to thank Wayne for his hard work and dedication while he was Captain and wish Anthony all the success going forward.

Kind regards,

Dear Lake Golf Members,

Please note that it is that time of year again for Affiliation & HNA Fees, the combined rate for 2025 is R855.00.
The Affiliation & HNA will be billed on the 1st of December 2024, this amount is payable on receipt of invoice.

Should you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Candice in the office.
Tel: 011 421 1341 or alternatively email

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Some incredible golf was played this weekend!

Catch up on all the latest in events and results here in the newsletter:

Start your weekend off right - Joe's Friday is back until January!

We have amazing specials running to make your day on the course even better. Our 4 Ball and 2 Ball special is running until 1 December 2024 and Joe's Friday is back every Friday until 10 January 2025! What better time is there to get a game in?
Also catch up on all the results here:

To All Lake Golf Members,

Please note that we are experiencing major issues with regards to the playability and visual appearance of some of our greens at present. This is due to several factors such as the very hot, dry weather conditions and to a lesser extent irrigation supply issues.
Please note we are busy with the recommended corrective actions; the green staff are working hard to try and rectify the problems and get the greens back to our usual high standard.

We ask for your patience in this regard as we undertake the required remedial action.

Yours in Golf,
The Greens Committee

Dear Lake Members,

Please see attached funeral arrangements for Strys De Waal.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

The Springboks will be facing England this Saturday and we will be watching at The Swan Bar.

Our Swan Bar specialities will be on special during the game.

Steak Rolls - R65.00
Wors Rolls - R50.00
Prego Rolls - R50.00
Buy 1 Springbokkie shooter and get FREE.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Good morning Lake Members & Visitors,

The Springboks will be facing England this Saturday and we will be watching in The Swan Bar.

Our Swan Bar specialties will be on special during the game.

Steak Rolls - R65.00
Wors Rolls - R50.00
Prego Rolls - R50.00
Buy 1 Springbokkie shooter and get FREE.

#thelakeclubbenoni #theswanbar #joesgrillpizzeria #rugbyspecials #springbokrugby

We are looking forward to seeing you there...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Dear Lake Members,

It is with a very heavy heart we inform you of the passing of the "larger than life" Strydom De Waal. Strys was a very loyal member at Lake Club for almost 42 years and with his family held the Annual Matthys De Waal Memorial. You would always get a smile and a chirp from Strys.

We would like to pass on our condolences to his wife Melanie as well as all his family and friends, you are all in our thoughts during this extremely difficult time.

You will be deeply missed by all at The Lake Club Benoni
R.I.P. Strys

We would like to pass on our condolences to his wife Melanie as well as all his family and friends, you are all in our thoughts during this extremely difficult time.

You will be deeply missed by all at The Lake Club Benoni
R.I.P. Strys

" />
We have amazing specials coming up this month to make your day on the course even better.

Find out who has been winning at the Club this week!

Catch up on the latest results and also see what is coming up at the club here:

Dear Members & Visitors,

Please remember to join us tomorrow evening from 18h00 for both the Joker and 50 Club draws. Tickets for the Joker Draw will be available for purchase from 17h45 upstairs in the Swan Bar.
R20.00 for 1 ticket
R50.00 for 3 tickets
R100.00 for 6 tickets...
The Pot is currently sitting on R25 425.00

We will even throw in a game of bingo after the draws - R20.00 per sheet.

Don't miss out on the live entertainment and meal specials.

We are looking forward to seeing you!!

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Your latest golf results and upcoming events at Lake Club Benoni

We have lots of great events planned for the rest of the year. Take a look in the newsletter and mark your calendar...

Your latest golf results and upcoming events at Lake Club Benoni

Catch up with the latest golf results and see the upcoming events here:

Plans for Heritage Day? Plus your weekly results

We are excited to announce that Joe's Grill & Pizzeria will be sponsoring the Monday 23rd September competition.
Read more about the event and also catch up on the weekly results here:

Dear Lake Members,

Please note that as of the 1st of October 2024 an equipment levy will be payable with your green fees in the Pro Shop for the amount of R20.00.

All golf members will be liable to pay this levy however should you play more than one round a week you will only be charged the levy once off for that week.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you on the fairways.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Members,

It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Iain Pitts. Iain was a member of our bowling section for over 4 years.
We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Iain Pitts, he will be remembered...
Always a smile
Always a compliment
Always a gentleman
May he rest in peace.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Your weekly results and lots of golf days to look forward to!

See this week's winners and all of our upcoming golf days in this week's newsletter!

Read more:

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Please note that the visitors parking will be under construction as from Friday the 13th of September 2024 and should be completed by the end of next week.

We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience caused however this is an opportunity which couldn’t be missed.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Good morning Lake Golfers

Just a friendly note that there will be limited tee times available due to golf days taking place this Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.

For any enquiries or bookings, please contact the Pro Shop directly on 011 421 7441

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
Lake Club Benoni

Reminder - Joker & 50 Club Draws tonight from 18h00 in the Swan Bar

Good morning Everyone,

This is just a friendly reminder that we will be having the Joker & 50 Club Draws tonight in the Swan Bar starting from 18h00.
Please join us as there will be food specials as well as live entertainment.
The Joker Draw is currently sitting on R23,425.00.
We will even throw in a game of Bingo afterwards.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Kind regards,
Your Events Team.

Good morning Lake Club Members,

This is a friendly reminder that the Lake Club AGM will be taking place next week Thursday the 29th of August 2024 in the hall.
It is important that all members attend as it will be an informative evening.

Please note that the minutes from the previous AGM and current financials are available and will be emailed on request.
Should you require any further information, please contact the office on 011 421 1341 or alternatively email

We are looking forward to seeing you next week.

Kind regards,

Take a look at our latest newsletter to see what's coming up this month, as well as our latest golf results:
Dear Members,

Please save the evening of Thursday, the 29th of August for the Club AGM.

It will be beneficial if all members could attend, as it will be an informative evening. Communication will be sent out in the next few days.

Kind regards,

Dear Members & Visitors,

Please save the date for the next draws taking place on Friday the 23rd of August 2024.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Dear Members,

Please save the evening of Thursday the 29th of August for the Club AGM.

It will be beneficial if all members could attend as it will be an informative evening.
Communication will be sent out in the next few days.

Kind regards,

Good Afternoon Members & Visitors,

Please note that we are in the final stages of approval for the design and change of the Pro Shop and the correct set up.
Previous agreements with Pro’s are not the same as this is new agreement with Brandon and it is not him that is at fault for the delay but more on my side.
Gordon is employed by the club to ensure best service to our members as well as a better control of our assets.
Brandon is in the process of employing his own staff which will compliment both his and the Clubs business.
Driving Range, he is in the process of final agreements with regard to range balls and coaching.

I ask that you will all be patient in the new set up as we want the shop’s new look and feel to be as professional as possible, your golf bookings to be 100% and driving range to have the best facility for all to use.
Trust, you understand the status of where we are.

PS. A note with the AGM date will be sent out, as a member and for your best interest, set the day aside as it will be an extremely informative and important AGM to be part of.

Thank you, enjoy the club.

Yours in Golf,
Club Chairman
The Lake Club Benoni

Winter Club Champs - 17th & 18th August 2024

Dear Members,

Please remember to enter your names for the Winter Club Champs taking place on the 17th & 18th August 2024 on the notice board in the Halfway House or in the Pro Shop.
Please enter prior to the 9th of August 2024 so that the draws can start taking place.

Kind Regards,
The Golf Committee

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please remember to join us for the Joker and 50 Club Draws taking place this Friday the 26th of July 2024 in the Swan Bar.
Joker tickets are R20.00 for 1, R50.00 for 3 , R100.00 for 6, etc...
We will even throw in a game or two of Bingo...R10 per ticket...per game
There will also be meal specials and live entertainment...

Please join us...the more support the better

Kind regards,
Your Lake club Events Team

Dear Lake Members,

We are saddened to announce the recent passing of our Men’s Locker Room Attendant, Mr. Thabo Nhleko. Thabo worked for Lake Club from March 2021 – July 2024.

Sending our condolences to all his family and friends during this difficult time.

We will be arranging a collection on Saturday the 20th of July which will go towards his funeral costs. You are also welcome to pop past the office should you wish to give to a donation.

R.I.P. Thabo

From all,
The Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Members,

It is with a very heavy heart to announce the passing of Luke Meyer.
Luke was a very active and loyal member of Lake Club for over 40 years.
We would like to pass on our sincere condolences to Sandy, Luke's wife as well as all his family and friends, you are all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

R.I.P. Luke, you will be sorely missed.

From all of us at the Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Members & visitors,

Please save the date for our next 50 Club and Joker Draws which will be taking place in the Swan Bar on Friday the 26th of July 2024 starting at 18h30.

Joker Tickets will be on sale from 17h45
1 Ticket - R20.00
3 Tickets - R50.00
6 Tickets - R100.00
12 Tickets - R200.00...

There will be drink and meal specials.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Attention Lake Members & Visitors,

Please note that due to a golf day with a 11h30 shotgun start taking place this Friday the 5th of July 2024, only 9 hole rounds will be available for bookings to ensure all rounds are completed prior to the golf day commencing.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and continuous support.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Good morning Lake Members,

Please note that there will be a general increase in the cart prices with effect the 1st of August 2024 due to the continuous increase in Electricity and Fuel costs.

Please enquire at the Pro Shop for fees.

We appreciate your continuous support and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,

A warm thanks from our OPS Staff

Once again our members have come to the fore showing that we are not just a golf club but also a community.

We asked you to assist us with donations towards providing our operational staff with much needed winter apparel to help them brave the cold winter conditions and as always you have stepped up.

We were able to raise approximately R12 000.00 and managed to purchase freezer jackets for all our green and support staff.
Each and every one of them would like to thank you all for your support and generous donations.

From myself, I would like to thank all who contributed to this drive and the support for the club in general.
As stated above, we are not just a club, we are a community.

Yours in Golf,

Wesley Louth
Course Superintendent

Head Professional Appointment

We are extremely proud to announce the appointment of Brandon Pieters as Head Professional at Lake Club Benoni effective 1st of July 2024.

Brandon is known to many of us, having played his golf at Lake Club for many years and is currently a Sunshine Tour Player with five professional wins.

As Head Professional, Brandon will take over both the Pro Shop and Driving Range and his team will be announced in the coming days.
The new Pro Shop should be fully operational in the coming weeks.

We wish Brandon all the best and thank our members for their patience in this interim period.

Robbie Frank
Club Chairman

Men's Locker Room Out of Order - 24th - 27th June24

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

This is a friendly note to advise you that the men’s locker rooms will be closed from Monday the 24th of June - Thursday the 27th of June 2024 as they will be replacing the ceiling.

We are aware that there will be general water disruptions in the area during the course of that week.

We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

Joker & 50 Club Draws Tonight the 21st of June 2024 from 17H45

Dear Members & Visitors,

Please join us tonight for the Joker & 50 Club Draws, tickets for the Joker Draw will be on sale from 17h45. The Pot is currently sitting on R18,925.00
R20.00 for 1 Ticket
R50.00 for 3 Tickets
R100.00 for 6 Tickets...

We will also throw in a game of BINGO after the draws - (R10.00 or R20.00 per card price depending on number of people playing)...
There will be Live Entertainment and delicious meal specials to warm you up...

We are looking forward to seeing you all tonight.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Rugby Saturday 22nd June 24 - Boks VS Wales

Calling all Lake members & Visitors,

Please join us tomorrow Saturday the 22nd of June 2024 at 15H00 in the Swan Bar to watch the match between the Springboks & Wales.
Specials for the day will be :-
Braai Special which includes Steak, Boerewors, Pap & Sauce...R90.00pp
Springbokkie once and get one free.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in the Swan Bar.

Kind regards,
Your Events Team
Don't let the cold weather keep you off of the course! We are offering exclusive weekday Golf Day specials this winter. Details and more exciting news in our latest newsletter!

Winter is here...Please Assist...

Good day Members, as we all have felt Jack Frost is nipping at our never regions once again. Yes, it’s cold and the majority of us have the kit to ward off the harsh winter conditions, however we need to remember our greens staff who are out every morning on the course cleaning and preparing the course and the club facilities the best they can for us the members.

We are at present, procuring normal work attire for the staff, however we have not got the funds to include some warm work jackets for all. I am therefore appealing to the members to dig deep and help us provide warm winter jackets for all our support staff to help ward off the bitter winter conditions. We have found a good supply option and are hoping to provide a uniform winter jacket to all the course staff.

As always, I’m sure our members will come to the party and help us provide this item of much needed attire for our staff. I will be doing the rounds on Saturday afternoon requesting any sort of monetary donation or alternatively you can do a transfer to the club with your membership number and the reference “WW” with your donation.

As always, we appreciate your continuous and loyal support.

Regards Wesley (Course Superintendent)

Reminder...Joker & 50 Club Draws - Friday 21st of June 2024

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please don't forget to join us next week Friday for the Joker & 50 Cub Draws.

We are looking forward to seeing you ...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team
Join us for the Vitiligo Assist Golf Day, a special event dedicated to raising awareness and support for those affected by vitiligo. Your participation makes a difference!

More exciting news and results are in this week's newsletter.

Joker & 50 Club Draws - Tomorrow 31 May 2024

Dear Lake club Members & Visitors,

Please don't forget to join us for the Joker & 50 Club draws tomorrow evening..,1st draw is at 18H30

The Joker Draw is currently sitting on R17,475.00

We are looking forward to seeing you up in the Swan Bar

For any further information, please don't hesitate to contact Candice - 011 421 1341

Kind regards,
Your Lake Club Events Team

Lakefield Avenue in Benoni has become a danger zone due to frequent accidents and inadequate road signage, specifically at the zebra crossing by The Lake Club Benoni. To address this pressing issue, local residents are calling for urgent action. Click the link below to find out more and support the petition to install hazard lights and warning signs, ensuring safer conditions for everyone using this busy road.

Congratulations to two of Lake Club Benoni's Leading Ladies: Jacqueline Lindsey & Keira Howroyd

Congratulations to Jacqui Lindsay who finished 6th at The National Finals of the GolfRSA Race to Royal Troon 9 Hole Challenge at Mooinooi Golf Club and to our Junior star Keira Howroyd who recently defended her title at The 12th annual edition of the Woodlands Junior Masters Golf Championship held at the Woodlands International College at Serengeti Golf and Country Estate.

Read more in this week's newsletter:

Save the Date....31 May 2024

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

We will be hosting our next Joker and 50 Club Draws on Friday the 31st of May starting from 18H00 in the Swan Bar.
We have a few numbers available for purchase for the 50 Club Draw... R600.00 per number which includes 6 draws, 3 draws per evening.
1st draw - R1000.00... you don't have to be present to win
2nd & 3rd draws - starting off at R1000.00... you need to be present to win otherwise there will be a rollover for the following draw.

Joker Draw tickets will be sold on the evening of the draw at R20.00 per ticket, 3 for R50.00 or R100 for 6 tickets...
The Draw Pot is currently sitting on R17,475.00.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Events Team

The Passing of Paul Fletcher

Dear Lake Members,

It is with great sadness to inform you of the passing of Paul Fletcher. Paul was a member of the bowling section for over 10 years.
We would like to pass on our sincere condolences to all his family and friends.

R.I.P. Paul

From All at the Lake club Benoni

Recent HNA Network Issues

Dear Lake Golfers,

Please note that due to the recent issues experienced on HNA, you will now be required to uninstall and reinstall the app on your phone and then reset your password accordingly.

You will have a small window period to open your recent rounds and to enter your scores (without penalties), however if you don't open your round and enter your score then a round will be opened for you and a score will be entered with a penalty.

For any further information or assistance, please send an email to

Thank you & kind regards,
The Admin Office

Renovation of Men's toilets

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Please be advised that we will begin renovations in the men’s toilets by the men’s locker room from Monday the 8th of April 2024. The renovation includes the addition of a disabled toilet facility and will take approximately 2 weeks for completion.

We appreciate your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Projects Team

Friday 5th April 2024

Dear Lake Golfers & Visitors

Please note that the golf course will be closed on Friday the 5th of April 2024 due to a Golf Day taking place with a 10H30 Shotgun start.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

Easter Weekend - Golf

Dear Lake Golfers & Visitors,

We are open Friday 29th of March (Good Friday) and Monday the 1st of April (Family Day), please ensure you book your round directly with the Pro Shop.
Tel: 011 421 7441 or alternatively on 079 761 6890

Wishing you all a safe and pleasant weekend.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

Golf - Better Ball & Singles Knockouts

Dear Lake Golfers - Men's Section

The Better Ball & Singles Knockout sheets are up on the notice board in the halfway, please add your name urgently to avoid disappointment as the cut off will be the end of March 2024.

We look forward to seeing all the entries.

Yours in Golf,
The Lake Club Golf Committee

Don't forget to participate in the race to Troon – play your 9-holes for a chance to win with this amazing golfing opportunity. The race continues!

For more information and your latest golf results read our newsletter!
Club Champs results and more in our latest newsletter! Check it out.

Front Reception Area - Closure (1st & 2nd March 2024)

Front Entrance Completion (Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd of March 2024)

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Please note that the entrance by reception will be completed over the course of tomorrow and Saturday.

Please avoid using this entrance as it will be off limits until Sunday.

We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Projects Team

Lake Club - Increases

Dear Lake Members,

This is a friendly reminder that increases on all Subs and playing fees will be effective as at the 1st of March 2024.

Debit orders have been updated accordingly.

All invoices will be sent out during the course of next week, however if you have already paid your fees then please ignore.

Should you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the office on Tel: 011 421 1341
Or alternatively on

Kind regards,
Lake Club Admin
Don't forget to participate in the race to Troon – play your 9-holes for a chance to win this amazing golfing opportunity.

Time's running out to become the 2024 Lake Club Benoni Club Champion!

Are you counting down the dates with us? The highly anticipated Golf Club Championships are just around the corner! Scheduled for February 24th and 25th.

Read more in this week's newsletter:

Amended Date-Front Entrance Completion (Monday 19th & Tuesday 20th February 2024)

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Please note that the entrance by reception will be completed over the course of Monday & Tuesday and not today and tomorrow as previously mentioned.

Please avoid using this entrance as it will be off limits until Wednesday.

We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Projects Team

Front Entrance Completion (Friday 16th & Saturday 17th February 2024)

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Please note that the entrance by reception will be completed over the course of today & tomorrow.

Please avoid using this entrance as it will be off limits until Sunday.

We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Projects Team

Club Championships - 24th & 25th February 2024

Dear Lake Golfers

RE: Club Championships 24th & 25th February 2024

Please note the following Club Champs fees which are applicable to the various packages.

All Eagle Packages – Normal green fee rates for both days & R200.00 Comp Fee
Life Members – R200.00 comp fee
Par / Birdie – R550.00 includes green fees & comp fees for both days

Please note that all Club Champ fees are payable upfront on Saturday the 24th of February when you check in at the Pro Shop.

We are looking forward to seeing all our enthusiastic golfers at Club Champs…

Yours in Golf
The Lake Club Golf Committee
Read this week's newsletter for the latest Lake Club Benoni golf results and more exciting golf news!

Calling all Members and Visitors!

Joker Draw & Final 50 Club Draw

Is Lady Luck on your side?

Friday the 9th of February
First draw at 18H30
Live Entertainment
Drink Specials

Come down to the Swan Bar and enjoy an evening of Live Entertainment and Fun.

Kind regards,
Lake Club Events Team

Calling all Members & Visitors

Is Lady Luck on your side?

Joker Draw & Final 50 Club Draw!!!
Friday the 9th of February
First draw at 18H30
Live Entertainment
Drink Specials

Come down to the Swan Bar and enjoy an evening of Live Entertainment and Fun...

Kind regards,
Lake Club Events Team
Are you counting down the dates with us? The highly anticipated Golf Club Championships are just around the corner! Scheduled for February 24th and 25th. Save the dates, dust off your clubs, and let's make this Club Champs a memorable experience together.

Joker & 50 Club Draws - 9th of February 2024

Calling all Lake Members & Visitors

Is Lady Luck on your side?

Friday the 9th of February
First draw at 18H30
Final 50 Club Draw
Live Entertainment
Drink Specials

Come down to the Swan Bar and enjoy and evening of Live Entertainment & Fun

We are looking forward to seeing you!!!

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Johnson Crane Hire Marathon - Sunday 28th January 2024

Good Morning Lake Members & Visitors,

Please note that the Annual Johnson Crane Hire Marathon will be taking place this Sunday the 28th of January 2024. The runners / walkers will be passing the Lake Club during the course of the morning therefore please plan your trip / entry into the club timeously.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

See you at the Desert Classic tomorrow!

In this week's newsletter, read more about:

- February Golf Calendar
- Club Champs
- Desert classic

We look forward to seeing you at the Club!

Read more here:

Dear Lake Members & Visitors

Due to the current weather situation the following areas have been affected:-

Completion of this week’s planned construction work on the 1st tee and 3rd greenside was delayed.

The construction at the entrance of the club will also not be completed this week. We will communicate progress and notify you as soon as the entrance may be accessible again.

Work will continue and be completed as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Greens Committee & Projects Team

Floor Repairs - Front Area by Reception

Good morning Lake Club Members,

Please note that there are major floor repairs taking place at the front entrance of the club by the reception area.
It would be appreciated if you avoid this area and use the entrance by the halfway house or the back door by the men's locker rooms..
This will be for the duration of this week.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,

Save the Date: Club Championships on February 24-25!

In this week's newsletter, read more about:

Club Champs
Hollow tining
Desert classic
Weekly results

We look forward to seeing you at the Club!

Read more:
Thursday 28 December 2023

1st: Kim Young and Steve Leeds - 47pts
2nd: Vic De Freitas and Grant Gardiner - 46pts
3rd: Deryn Browning and Keagan Jordan - 45pts


Dear Lake Club Members,

On behalf of The Lake Club Benoni, we would like to wish you lots of love, joy & happiness this festive season...
May the good times & treasures of the present become golden memories of tomorrow...

This is just a gentle reminder that the office will be closed from Friday 22 December 2023 & will re-open on Tuesday 2 January 2024...
The course will be closed on Monday 25 & 26 December 2023 & the 1st of January 2024...
Halfway house & The swan Bar will close at 14h00 on Sunday 24 December 2023...
Joe's Grill & Pizzeria will close at 15h00 on Sunday 24 December 2023. They will remain closed for 25 & 26 December 2023 as well as 1 January 2024...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni Team
Thank you for all your support this year. We hope you had some great times at our facility and that you made wonderful memories with us this year.

As we start to reflect on 2023, we would like to hear from you what your best experience at our facility was this year. We especially also want to know what would create an even better experience for you in 2024. Click on the button below to let us know.

Dear Lake Members,

Please note that all amendments and/or alterations to the debit order run will have to be processed by the 21st of December 2023.

This is due to the public holidays.

The dates will be as follows:-
26th of December 2023 will be debited on the 27th of December 2023
1st of January 2024 will be debited on the 2nd of January 2024
5th of January 2024 will be debited as normal.

Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your debit order.

Thank you and kind regards,
The Lake Club Admin Office

Dear Lake Members,

Please note that the office will be closed on Thursday the 14th of December 2023 as well as the 27th – 29th December 2023.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,
The Admin Office

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors,

Santa called us & told us you've been added to the good list so here's our gift to you.
We're having a Holi-yay Golf Special.

We will be kicking off the weekend with a Festive Special...valid from the 8th of December 2023 until the 14th of January 2024.
Yes - We will be open 7 days a week during this period.

4 Ball Special - R1600.00
4 players - 2 carts - 4 x R50.00 Swan Bar Vouchers

2 Ball Special - R800.00
2 Players - 1 Cart - 2 x R50.00 Swan Bar Vouchers.

We hope you're to get those Jingle Bells out, because we know we are...
Check out this week's newsletter for our latest results and upcoming events.
December is heating up quickly with these events! Think you can handle the competition? Kickstart the holiday season with the Greenkeepers Revenge on the 2nd, the Good Golf Day on the 8th, and the Annual Rigifoam Golf Tournament on the 9th of December. It’s going to be nonstop action and fun with everyone out on the golf course having a great time, so make sure you’re there. Booking information in our latest newsletter!

Special General Meeting
The Lake Club - Benoni


1. Notice convening the meeting.
2. Attendance register and apologies.
In terms of Clauses 31.1 and 31.2 of the Club’s Constitution, notice is hereby given to all members

The business to be conducted and voted on at this meeting is as follows:-
1. Confirmation and approval of the Club Captain and Vice Captain.
2. Notice of changes/updates to the club’s constitution, and approval thereof.
3. Presentation of incumbent EXCO members responsibilities.
4. Financial outlook of the Club covering;
a) Costs, Sponsors, Members contribution, etc.
b) Levy on losses to be implemented.
5. Increases (Golf, Bowls & Squash) on Subscriptions, Price per Round and Carts for 2024.
6. Respect to Lake Club Benoni employees.
7. Transformation of the club.
8. PADEL Presentation and discussion covering, broadly, the following topics;
a) Overall picture for the future of the club having Padel on board.
b) Value of Padel to the club.
c) Proposed Padel location
d) Proposed Padel funding option (s)

As outlined above, there are a number of critical items to be considered and approved which impact all of the valued members of our Club.


CLAUSE 31(5) - The quorum for a General Meeting shall be twenty-five (25) Ordinary members in good standing.

CLAUSE 31(8) - Only Ordinary Members present who have paid their current subscriptions and any other monies due to the Club shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting.
An attendance register will be signed to confirm compliance with Clause 31 (8).

Purchase this special on Friday, 24th November only
R1200 gets you a 4-ball including carts, and 4 drinks to the value of R35 each!

Black Friday offer: More golf with friends for a steal

Ready for Black Friday? We have an awesome deal for you that's going to let you play more golf for less!

Check out our newsletter for all the details, as well as our latest golf results:

To all our Lake Members & Visitors,

Please join us for the Joker & 50 Club Draw on Friday the 17th of November 2023 starting from 18H00.

Colin will be there to provide live entertainment
there will be drink specials
and delicious food

We are looking forward to seeing you there...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team
If you've been around a while, you'll know that our Club loves maintaining a relaxed, friendly-family atmosphere, and this certainly shows in the variety of events we have happening every month. Golf, lucky draws, and charity events – we have them all and they promise to be great fun!

Take a look at our latest newsletter to see what we have planned for November and December:

Good Afternoon Lake Members & Visitors,

Just a reminder that we will be having the Joker Draw tomorrow evening, Friday the 10th of November 2023 from 18h00.

Please also save the date for the Joker & 50 Club Draws taking place the following Friday the 17th of November 2023.
We look forward to seeing you there..

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Affiliation & Handicapping Fees

Dear Lake Golfers,

We apologise for the delay in billing affiliation and handicapping later than normal but we had to wait for EGU to send us the rates.

The amount that will be invoiced on the 1st of December 2023 is R815-00.

This fee is applicable to all HNA handicapped members.

Various payment options are available. You can pay in the office, the Pro Shop either in cash or by credit card. Alternatively directly into the clubs bank account or contact Candice to add it to your monthly debit order. Please pay this as soon as possible to enable us to pay this over to EGU.

Many thanks in advance.

Should you require any further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the office
Tel: 011 421 1341 or alternatively email

Kind regards,
Admin Office

Joker Draw - Friday the 10th of November 2023

Good morning Lake Members & Visitors,

We will be having the Joker Draw next week Friday the 10th of November 2023 from 18h00.

Please also save the date for the Joker & 50 Club Draws taking place the following Friday the 17th of November 2023.
We look forward to seeing you there..

Kind regards,
Your Events Team
Saturday, 28 October
2-ball Combined Stableford

1st: Mike Hiscox and Simon Coetzer – 79pts

2nd: Thomas Masetle and Ken Simpson – 77pts

3rd: Eric Opperman and Sonika Van Dyk – 75pts

4th: Braam Raubenheimer and Quinton Lambuschange – 75pts

Drinks Discounts & Happy Hour Changes

“Give & Take”

Dear Lake Members,

We are happy to announce a further 5% discount on your drinks using your top up and membership number. To enable us to do this, happy hour will unfortunately fall away.

This will come into effect as at the 4th of November 2023

This excludes running specials.
T’s & C’s apply

Happy, Happy every day.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Golf Course Closed - Tuesday 31st October 2023

Good morning Lake Golfers,

Please note that due to the continuous rain, the golf course and halfway house will remain closed for the rest of today.
The restaurant, Swan Bar and Pro Shop will remain open for business.

Stay dry and keep warm!

Kind regards,
The Lake Club

Rugby Final - Saturday the 28th of October in the Hall

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors ?

Calling all ghouls, gals, and RUGBY FANS ????

Join us for a HALLOWEEN THEMED RUGBY BASH ???? as we back the BOKKE one last time ????

Bokke ???? VS. New Zealand ????

???? From 18h30
???? The Main Hall
???? Bookings are essential, just whatsapp us back ????
???? Book your table of 10 for R650. You'll get to enjoy another THRILLING game on the big screen and a devilishly DELICIOUS platter ????
???? HUGE drink specials
???? ???? Prizes for the best Halloween dressed people of the night ????

Book your table today to avoid disappointment... We look forward to seeing you ????

Thursday, 19 October
Pro shop comp I.P.S.

1st: Steve Schults 41pts

Golf Affiliation & Handicapping Fees

Dear Lake Golf Members,

Just a friendly note that we will only be invoicing Affiliation & Handicapping fees on the 1st of December 2023 as we are still awaiting the increase from EGU.

Communication will follow once the amount has been received.

Apologies for any inconvenience cause.

Kind regards,
Admin Office
Lake Club Benoni

South Africa VS England - Saturday 21st October 2023

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors,

Please join us this Saturday for another exciting Rugby game on the big screen…

Bokke VS England

From 18H30
The Main Hall
Bookings are essential … whatsapp 069 325 7727
Book your table of 10 for only R450.00 per table, which will give you access to a great game, 1kg of lekker biltong & other lekker snacks…

Huge drink specials not to be missed!!!
We look forward to seeing you there...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Upcoming golf events you won't want to miss

Plans for this weekend? For October? Check out our latest newsletter for all of our exciting upcoming events, as well as our latest golf results.

Read it here:

Calling all QUIZ NIGHTERS !!!

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors,

Don't miss out! Coming on the 6th of October we have an amazing quiz at Lake Club Benoni! Covering all your favorite song and so much more! #QuizzyMcQuizFace quiz master Duncan will be taking care of you guys! So make sure you book your table and avoid disappointment!

19h00 start time in The Main Hall
R120pp - light meal included
RSVP by 30 September 2023
To enter | Please call or Whatsapp Jenny Gearing on 072 213 8188

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
As you are all no doubt aware The Lake Club will be hosting the prestigious EKHURULENI OPEN Golf tournament from 29th September to 1st October 2023.

Albeit the course will be available for members to play during the weekday(s) leading up to the start of the tournament (25th September to half day on 28th September 2023), the course will be fully unavailable for any play from 12h00pm on Thursday, 28th September right through Sunday, 1st October 2023.
Get ready for an ACTION-PACKED weekend!

Saturday 23 September – Join us in the Swan Bar from 21h00 to watch the exciting rugby match between Ireland and South Africa. Enjoy a pre-game meal at Joe's restaurant, he will be running some delicious opening specials.

Read our latest newsletter to find out what's happening on Sunday!

Draws - Friday 15th September 2023 from 18H00

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please join us for the 50 Club & Joker Draws on Friday the 15th of September 2023 starting from 18h00.

Joker Tickets are R20.00 each or three for R50.00 .

There will drink discounts...
Colin will be providing live entertainment...
& there will be delicious food for sale...

We look forward to seeing you in the Swan Bar...

Kind regards,
Your Entertainment Team

Rugby, Ribs & Drink Specials

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us on Sunday 10 September 2023 in The Swan Bar from 18h00 for some action packed Rugby, Sticky Rib specials & Double Trouble drink specials ...

Lets stand behind our BOKKE & show them some support !!!

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Lake Club is undertaking, in conjunction with the Centre for Biological Control (CBC) at Rhodes University to start a small-scale breeding station for biological control agents, a type of weevil which feeds and breeds on the Water Hyacinth thereby controlling its growth and spread.

Attention: Lake Members,

Due to the recent car thefts that have occurred at the club we have had to change the procedure’s for entry
and exiting the club.

Please be advised that from tomorrow the 1st of September 2023 the following procedure will be in place.

Members and visitors to the club will be required to have their car registration license disk and driver’s license scanned
on entering the club and also on departure from the club.
This process will soon be updated to incorporate an automated boom opening system provided your two license numbers match.
Should the numbers not match then you will not be able to exit the club.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but we believe this needs to be instituted.
We have been advised that car thefts have escalated in the last couple of months by 47%

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Entries close for Winter Club Champs - 12h00 TODAY

Dear Lake Club Members,

This is just a gentle reminder that the entries for Winter Club Champs 2023 will close today ( 30 August 2023 ) at 12h00...

Please call the Proshop on 011 421 7441 to get your entry in

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Bokke VS All Blacks - 25 August 2023

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors

South Africa will be playing New Zealand at Twickenham for the first time since 2015...

- 25 August 2023
- 20h30
- The Lake club Swan bar
- Double Trouble drink specials
- HUGE rib specials
- Joker Draw

This is one match, you DONT want to miss !!!

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Do you know your swing speed?

Are you launching your drives with the right launch angle and spin rate for your swing speed? Once we know your swing speed, we can set your driver loft and shaft up to deliver your true distance, so you can fulfill your full potential.

Read more here:

Draws - Friday 11th August 2023 from 18H00

Dear Lake Members,

Please join us for the 50 Club & Joker Draws on Friday the 11th August 2023 from 18H00 in the Swan Bar.

There will be drink specials, great food and live entertainment.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Friday...your support always appreciated...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

"2023" Mens Winter Championships - Weekend 2nd & 3rd September 2023

"2023 Men’s Winter Championships

Our Winter Championships will be held over the weekend of 2nd / 3rd September 2023 with both counting rounds to be played in the morning on both days.

The formats for each division are as follows;
A DIVISION (HI from +5 to 7.4) – 36 Holes, Individual Medal
B DIVISION (HI from 7.5 to. 15.3) – 36 Holes, Individual Medal
C DIVISION (HI from 15.4 to 54) – 36 Holes, Individual Stableford
VETERANS (Players over 60, Handicapped
off Blue Tee markers, HI as per HNA) – 36 Holes, Individual Stableford
Entry forms will be available in the Pro Shop so please get your names down early to avoid disappointment (entries close on 30th August 2023).

REMEMBER- The onus is on YOU, the player, to ensure/confirm your name is on the list.

Just to refresh everyone's memory, our defending champs per division are as follows;
A DIVISION - Giaconi Middel
B DIVISION - Martin Blignaught
C DIVISION - Wayne Reed
VETERANS - Allan Rodwell"

Our Winter Championships will be held over the weekend of 2nd / 3rd September 2023 with both counting rounds to be played in the morning on both days.

The formats for each division are as follows;
A DIVISION (HI from +5 to 7.4) – 36 Holes, Individual Medal
B DIVISION (HI from 7.5 to. 15.3) – 36 Holes, Individual Medal
C DIVISION (HI from 15.4 to 54) – 36 Holes, Individual Stableford
VETERANS (Players over 60, Handicapped
off Blue Tee markers, HI as per HNA) – 36 Holes, Individual Stableford
Entry forms will be available in the Pro Shop so please get your names down early to avoid disappointment (entries close on 30th August 2023).

REMEMBER- The onus is on YOU, the player, to ensure/confirm your name is on the list.

Just to refresh everyone's memory, our defending champs per division are as follows;
A DIVISION - Giaconi Middel
B DIVISION - Martin Blignaught
C DIVISION - Wayne Reed
VETERANS - Allan Rodwell"

" />

No need to find excuses anymore

You just can’t hit that #6 or #5 iron. Is it your fault, really? A good swing is only half the package, there are two other important aspects of a setup that can make your long irons much easier to hit.

Read more here:

A Memorial Service for Lute Delaere

Dear Lake Members,

There will be Memorial Service for Lute Delaere tomorrow, Friday the 4th of August 2023 at the Northfield Methodist Church starting at 11h30.

Save The Date...Thursday the 24th of August 2023

Dear Lake Members,

We will be having our AGM on the 24th of August 2023 at 18h00 for 18h30.
An official notification will be sent out in due course.

We will notify you as soon as the previous Minutes and Financials are ready for collection from the office.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,

Course & Bar closure - Friday 4 August 2023

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors,

Please note that the course & The Swan Bar will be CLOSED to members & visitors on Friday 4 August 2023 due to a golf day and private event happening on the day...

We trust that all members & visitors will understand...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

3 Jacks & a Jill - Wednesday 9 August 2023

Dear Lake Club Members & Visitors,

Join us on Wednesday 9 August 2023 as we celebrate national women's day - by playing in our 3 Jacks & a Jill competition...


Bookings are essential - 011 421 7441

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

The Sad Passing of Lute Delaere

Dear Lake Members,

It is with great sadness to notify you of the passing of Lute. Lute was a well loved member of Lake Club for over 28 years.
Not only was she a loyal member of Lake Club but also a past Ladies Captain.
We will miss your singing and glowing smile.
Sending our condolences to her daughter Debly, Boet and all her family and friends, you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Gone but never forgotten...R.I.P. Lute

From all at the Lake Club

Rugby Tomorrow 29th July 2023...Swan Bar

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please join us tomorrow at the Lake Club Swan Bar as we watch the rugby game...Bokke VS Argentina from 17h00...
Delicious food specials...

Great Atmosphere...
We look forward to seeing you...

Take a look at the Gauteng Open winners

The Executive wish to congratulate the following players for their achievements in the above-mentioned tournament:

Mixed Pairs:
John Molupi and Toy Zietsman (Lake Club) (Gold)

Men’s Singles:
Wayne York (Kempton Park) (Last 8)

Outstanding Fees

General Broadcast

Dear Lake Members,

Please ignore the previous email if your account is up to date. It was a general broadcast reminding those who still owe fees to please settle.
Should you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact the office.

Kind regards,
The Admin Office

Overdue Golf Fees

Dear Lake Golf Members,

This is a friendly reminder that affiliation & handicapping fees that were invoiced on the 1st of November 2022 are now long overdue.
Statements will be sent out again with reminders.

Please settle this immediately either in the Office, Pro Shop or EFT.

If you have not yet been contacted by the office with regards to deducting the fees with your debit order then please contact the office ASAP so that they can process it before the next debit order run.

Any outstanding fees will result in handicaps being removed until paid in full (there will be re-instatement fee), the cut off will be Monday the 31st of July 2023.

You are welcome to contact the office to make arrangements to automatically deduct the Affiliation & Handicapping fees annually via debit order going forward. Please forward an email to with your request.

Should you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Candice in the office.

Kind regards,
The Lake Club Admin Office
Read this month's newsletter for all of our latest news, club events, and results. Click the button below to stay up to date with everything that's happening.
M7 Group is an Executive Holding that comprises of numerous operations within the motor vehicle sector. The company primarily focuses on vehicle sales in new and pre-owned dealerships..

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The Weekend of the 14th - 16th July 2023

Dear Lake Members,

Just a recap of what is happening at Lake Club next week...
The 50 Club Draw and new Joker Draw...all are welcome however only a member can win...
Live Entertainment...Collin will be entertaining us with his awesome voice...
Saturday will be the start of our 2 day LCB Open Golf Championship...a warm up to the British Open taking place the following week (20th - 23rd July 2023)...
Our Format will be IPS both days...choose your 4Ball for the Saturday and Sunday will be seeded...additional information is available from the Pro Shop - 011 421 7441 or alternatively on 079 7616890
Entries close on Wednesday the 12th of July 2023

We are looking forward to seeing you for an action packed weekend at Lake Club

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Rugby...Rugby...Rugby...Springboks VS Wallabies...8th July 2023

Dear Lake Members& Visitors...

Please join us tomorrow in the Swan Bar for the Springboks VS Wallabies Rugby Match starting at 17H00. Wear your Springbok Rugby Shirt and you will receive a complimentary Springbokkie proudly sponsored by Johan.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in the Swan Bar...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Collin the music man is here tonight - Friday 7th July 2023 from 18H00

Dear Lake members & Visitors,

Please join us tonight in the Swan Bar for live music as well as a menu full of delicious don't sit at home and be all alone, enjoy an evening out.

Collin will be here from 18h00 tonight.

Kind Regards,
Your Events Team

Christmas in July at Lake Club

Dear Lake Golfers,

Please join us for an unbelievable Golf special at Lake Club right through the month of July.

We look forward to seeing you all...

Kind regards,
Your Golf Team

The LCB Open - 15th & 16th July 2023

Dear Lake Golfers,

We will be holding the very first LCB Open over the weekend of the 15th & 16th July 2023, this will run in conjunction with the British Open. The format will be IPS and will be a joint men's and ladies tournament. This will be a members only event and you will need to be a full golf member at Lake Club. Please book your 4ball tee times, first come first serve. Sunday will be graded accordingly depending on your standing. There will be an overall winner as well as the division winners.
The time Sheet will be in the Pro Shop and cut off will be on the 12th of July 2023.

Should you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact the office or the Pro Shop.

We look forward to seeing you...let's make our first open a success as this will be held annually going forward.

Yours in Golf,
Your Events Team

Good luck John Malupi

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us as we wish our bowls star, John Malupi good luck on his upcoming competition. John has been selected to participate in the African States Tournament (AST) event in Windhoek, Namibia 26-30 June 2023...

Good luck John - we look forward to hearing your positive feedback on this prestigious event !!!

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Friday 23rd June 2023 - Mystery Draw & Live Entertainment

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please join us for the Mystery Draw, as well as live entertainment and a delicious menu on Friday the 23rd of June 2023. Mystery Draw Tickets will be on sale from 17h30 at R10.00 per ticket...draw will take place at 18H30

We are looking forward to seeing you all in the Swan Bar.

Kind regards,

Your Entertainment Team

Please Join us This Friday Evening...9th June 2023 from 16H30 onwards...

Dear Lake Members & Visitors,

Please join us this Friday evening, the 9th of June for the first 50 Club Draw, Mystery Draw and live entertainment.
Draws will commence from 18H30

We are looking forward to seeing you all up in the Swan Bar.
Drinks Discounts Applicable

Kind regards,
Your Entertainment Team

Purse top-ups at the Club

Dear Lake Club members,

This is just a gentle reminder when doing a top-up into any of your purses in The Swan Bar, Halfway house & Proshop, to ensure that you check your till slip that the top-up has been allocated to YOUR membership number & that the value of the top-up is correct... We also urge you to sign & acknowledge this top-up...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Saturday Currie Cup Tee Times - 27TH May 2023

Dear Lake Golfers,

For those of you who are participating in the Currie Cup on Saturday the 27th of May 2023, please be advised that for those of you who have entered your names in the Pro Shop, we have endeavoured to make your tee times as close to you normal Saturday times as possible.

If you would like to confirm your tee time, please contact the Pro Shop for details.

Please remember to wear your team colours and remember that the format for the day is Individual Stableford and the winning team will be the team with the highest average Stableford Score.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday.
Yours in golf

Currie Cup Committee

Front entrance closed until Wednesday 24 May 2023

Dear Lake Club Members,

Please note the front entrance will be closed from today until Wednesday 24 May 2023... Please use alternative entrances for the time being... We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Friday 12th of May...Swan Bar...Please Join Us

Dear Lake Members,

Our Friday Evening Mystery Draw will be taking place on Friday the 12th of May will be available for purchase in the bar from 17h30.
There will also be a 12 Year Bottle of Glenfiddich up for grabs well as a couple of other sponsored prizes...
Come down, socialize and enjoy a bite to eat...

Kind regards,
Your Events Team

Friday Meat Comp - 28 May 2023

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us this Friday for our Meat comp - Valid for 28 May 2023 ONLY
What's in it for you ?
- 4 Players
- 2 Golf carts
- 1 Large ooey gooey Pizza
- 4 Icy cold draft beers ( small )
You can get ALL of this - for R1250.00

Booking Essential !!
We look forward to seeing you on Friday

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Golf Section Vice-Captain Transition

Dear Fellow Golfer,

As some of you may be aware, our current Vice-Captain, Mr Rui Da Silva, is taking up a new and exciting work opportunity with his company in Middelburg, South Africa.
In light of this change in location, Mr Da Silva has stepped down from both is role as Golf Vice-Captain and the Executive Committee.
On behalf of the Golf Section, I would like to thank Rui for his efforts and assistance during his tenure as my Vice-Captain and wish him every success in his new venture.
With effect from the 21st of April 2023, I would like to welcome Mr Wayne Shawe into the position of Vice-Captain of the Golf Section.
I look forward to working with Wayne going forward.
We trust that the members will support Wayne in this new role.

Yours in golf,
Paul Slaven
Club Captain

Matthys De Waal Memorial - Monday 1st of May 2023

Dear Lake Golfers,

The annual Matthys De Waal Memorial will be taking place on Monday the 1st of May in the morning field.
Please book your times directly with the Pro Shop - 011 421 7441 or alternatively on 079 761 6890
There will be a separate Mens & Ladies Comp
4 Ball Scramble Drive
Nearest to Pins on all Par 3's
Best in 2 on the 18th

Meals will be available after the game for own account.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at this fantastic annual event.

Yours in Golf,
Your Events Team

Champions within Lake Club

Dear Lake Members,

We would like to congratulate our golf member Charlene Pienaar, caddied by our Pro Rachel Howard...both these ladies made Lake Club proud by recently winning the IBGA Ladies B3 World Championship as well as the ISPS Handa 2023 World Blind Golf Championship.

A huge well done to both these ladies.

Kind regards,

The Lake Club Benoni
EXCO Committee


Dear Lake Club members,

The course will be closed to members & visitors on Friday 14 April 2023 and Friday 21 April 2023 ( in the afternoon )...

The course will be open the morning of both dates for the following PROMOTION for ONLY R590.00 :
- 9 Hole tee off between 6h30 to 8h30
- 2 players
- 1 cart to share
- 2 Yummy sunrise breakfasts after your game
- 1 GREAT way to start your Friday
Lets get booking on 011 421 7441

Kindest regards
Kyla Fatouros

Dear Lake Club members,

We regret to inform you about the sudden passing of member, Hercules Roodt...
Our deepest condolences go out to family & friends of Hercules.
During this difficult period, we would like to offer our unwavering support & sympathy to the friends & family of Hercules.

Warmest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us on Friday 17 Match 2023 as we celebrate St Patrick's Day - May the luck of the Irish be with you !!
- Steak & Guinness Pie with chips for R60.00
- Buy 4x440ml Guinness & receive a 5th one ON US !!!
- Mystery Draw & More ( yes, we're going BIG this st Paddies day )

The first draw will be done around 18h30... We look forward to seeing you all in The swan Bar tomorrow !!!!

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Congratulations must go to some of our members on sporting achievements listed in the news below. Well done to you all!

Since the last report, not much has changed:

Reception area had a delay but should now be completed soon.
Fence on the main road on the Top 9 will also be completed soonest.

Dear Lake Club Members,

We would like to express our deepest regrets & profound shock at the sudden death of member Sven Olofsson... We are stunned to hear the news. During this difficult period, our thoughts and prayers are always with the family...

On behalf of The Lake Club Benoni, we would like to offer our condolences to Sven's wife, Lorrae Olofsson, family & friends...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Dear Lake Club Members,

We would like to wish you all a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY...
May it be a TEE-RIFIC day filled love !!!

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Happy new year to all, and I trust that all members will have a great year with the club.

The staff and EXCO are working hard to make Lake Club a better place and hope that it will show through the year. We, however, need the support from our members.
Read more here:

Dear Lake Club members,

We are pleased to inform you that The Swan Bar will be open from today & we start off the week with HAPPY HOUR from 16h00 until 18h00...If you cant play golf on the 18 holes, we happily welcome you to the 19th hole !! We will be open everyday this week...

Join us on Saturday 28 January as we celebrate the end of Hollow-tining with our annual Desert Classic... The greens will be tough & the perfect place to practice those putts !!!

We look forward to seeing everyone at Happy hour & at The annual Desert Classic...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

Important Notice

Dear Members

Our agreement with Grapes our food and beverage provider has run its course and will come to an end on the 31st of December 2022.

We ask for your patience during this transition period. Service might be compromised and certain beverages might not be available.

Halfway House will have a limited menu to enable a fast turnaround time.

Thank you for your understanding.

More details regarding changes to F&B will be communicated at a later stage.

We would like to wish all our members a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023.

Lake Club Benoni
All members must have a great festive season, and we hope that in 2023 we will get more support from all members across the club.

Read more here:


Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us this December as well get into the spirit of the festive season...

The Club will be open on Mondays from the 12th of December 2022 until the 13th of January 2023...
MEMBERS - Enjoy discounted rates during the week...
ALL DAY SPECIALS - R1100 per fourball inclusive of 2 carts. Special valid weekdays & Sunday afternoons only...
WEEKDAY VISITORS - R170per player & R350 per cart
WEEKEND VISITORS ( morning field ) - R300 per player & R350 per cart

COURSE CLOSED DAYS - 25th December 2022 & 1st of January 2023
COURSE HALF DAYS ( Closes at 12pm ) - 24th, 26th & 31st of December 2022

Bookings are essential during this period - please contact the Pro shop on 011 421 7441

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni

To all our wonderful members,

Please note that we will be having our final draws for 2022.

Date: 25th November 2022
Time: 18h00 onwards…the earlier you are the nicer seat you can get.

There will be the members draw…R10K to be won…it will rollover until we have a winner...
The Final 100 Draw will also take place :
- R1000.00 you don’t have to be here
- R2000.00 you have to be here
The Mystery Draw – R10.00 per ticket winners will receive 70% of the proceeds raised.
The Laptop raffle draw – tickets still available and on the evening.
- Drinks discount from 16h30 till 18h30

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Events Team

We are OPEN tomorrow

Dear Lake Club Members,

Due to a last minute golf day cancellation - the course is OPEN for members & visitors tomorrow, Friday the 11th of November 2022... We will be having a Friday meat competition...

We look forward to seeing you all on the course tomorrow - weather permitting of course :)

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Events Team
Hitting a successful approach shot is tough enough when there’s smooth fairway surrounding the green. Add water to the mix and “tough” can easily morph into “scary”.
Put your fairway woods in play more often and enjoy the difference they make to your playing experience and score.

LUCKY draws THIS Friday

Dear Lake Club Members,

We apologize for the delay in notification - Please join us on Friday 14 October 2022 for our Lucky Draws
- Members Drum Draw
- Mystery Draw
- 300g Ribs & Chips for R80.00pp
- Drinks special from 16h30 till 18h30
- The first draw will commence at 18h00
We look forward to seeing you all there

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

LM Radio Golf Day - Friday 7 October 2022

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us for the annual LM Radio Golf Day on Friday the 7th of October 2022... If you took part last year, you will know that this is one golf day you DONT want to miss !! With great hole sponsors & even greater prizes to be won, this golf day is striving to raise funds for the CANSA foundation...

Shotgun start at 10h30
Fourball fees are inclusive of playing fees, shirt, cap, halfway house meal & prize giving, they will also be having random lucky draws & LOTS of fun of the day...
R2800.00 per fourball excluding carts

Should you wish to enter, please contact Michell on 078 294 9282 OR

We look forward to seeing our members supporting this exciting event

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

100 Club Draw THIS FRIDAY

Dear Lake Cub Members,

Join us tomorrow night for our monthly 100 club draw !!!
- 100 Club draw
- Members drum draw
- Mystery draw
- Drinks discount from 16h30 till 18h30
- Loaded fries for R40

We look forward to seeing you all there

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

Andrew Mentis Charity Golf Day - 15 October 2022

Dear Lake Club Members,

Join us on Saturday the 15th of October 2022 for the Andrew Mentis Charity Golf Day ?

???? R1600 per fourball
Par 4 & 5 hole sponsorship + fourball = R3000
Par 3 hole sponsorship + fourball = R5000
Practice putting green sponsorship = R5000

??????????? Tee off time from 11h00

To enter :
Please contact Warren Brits :
???? 082 335 0049

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

Lucky Draws THIS Friday

Dear Lake Club Members,

We apologize for the delay in notification - Please join us tomorrow evening for our Lucky Draws

- Members Drum Draw
- Mystery Draw
- OOEY GOOEY Pizza special for R50 per pizza
- Drinks special from 16h30 till 18h30
- The first draw will commence at 18h00
We look forward to seeing you all there

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

Join us this evening for our AGM

Dear Lake Club Members,

This mail serves as a gentle reminder that we are hosting our Annual General Meeting this evening from 18h00 for 18h30 in the hall...
- Please use the halfway house entrance, just past the ProShop...
- Please note that we will have a limited amount of hardcopies available this evening for the financials & minutes from the previous AGM...
- If you are unable to attend this meeting, please mail your apologies to ...

We look forward to seeing all of our members at the AGM & having inciteful discussions about the future of The Lake Club Benoni...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team

Join us for our AGM this evening

Dear Lake Club Members,

This mail serves as a gentle reminder that we are hosting our Annual General Meeting this evening from 18h00 for 18h30 in the hall...
- Please use the halfway house entrance, just past the ProShop...
- Please note that we will have a limited amount of hardcopies available this evening for the financials & minutes from the previous AGM...
- If you are unable to attend this meeting, please mail your apologies to ...

We look forward to seeing all of our members at the AGM & having inciteful discussions about the future of The Lake Club Benoni...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Benoni
Events Team
There is one club we see absent from too many golf bags. Are you missing out on an opportunity? How large is the gap between your pitching wedge and the next wedge in your bag?

NO draws tonight

Dear Lake Club Members,

With Winter Club Champs 2022 just one sleep away - we thought it would be important for everyone to get their beauty rest tonight - therefor we have made the decision that there will be NO lucky draws this evening...

The next draw will take place on the 2nd of September 2022 - This will also include the 100 club draw...

Kindest regards
The Lake Club Events Team
It is of real importance that you attend the AGM on Thursday, the 25th of August. A huge part of the proceedings will be spent on the reality of membership fees and increases in golf rounds, as well as cart rentals.

Lucky draws - Friday 22 July 2022

Dear Lake Club Members,

Are you feeling LUCKY this Friday ?
Join us on Friday the 22nd of July 2022 for our LUCKY DRAWS !!
- Members Drum Draw
- Mystery Draw
- Drink Specials from 16h30 till 18h30
- Delicious curry for R60.00pp
The first draw will commence at 18h00
We hope to see you all there !!

Kindest regards
The Events Team

Rest in Peace Shaun Koen

Dear Members of Lake Club,

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Mr Shaun Koen. Shaun was a member of Lake for almost 10 years having participated in various leagues, club competitions and was a winner of the Individual Knock out.

Shaun was polite, friendly and always had a smile on his face.

We would like to pass on our condolences to all his family, friends and all who knew him, he will be sorely missed.

R.I.P. Shaun

From all at the Lake Club Benoni

The SwanTimes February edition

Happy 2022 to all our members, may you have a wonderful year and enjoy all that the club has to offer you.

With all the increases in rates and taxes, fuel, chemicals and parts and general requirements, it leaves us no options but to have a slight increase for memberships in 2022, however, as per my message at the AGM, we will be forced to restructure packages for 2023 as with the current situation, it is just no longer easy to manage the tight budget going forward.

Read more:

Season's greetings, and thanks for your support

The Lake Club Benoni would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being our valued customer. Your support and trust in us is much appreciated!! We wish you health, happiness, and wonderful family-time over the festive season!

Please remember that the Club will be closed on Christmas Day as well as on the 1st of January 2022 – Please contact the Pro Shop for available times and bookings.

Read more:

The SwanTimes December edition

Dear members

As we approach Christmas, I hope and trust that you all will stay safe and travel with care. Those who are staying at home, please support the club during this December time.

We have completed the pipeline to the top dam, which will assist with the problematic irrigation for the future. We will start planning the irrigation upgrades for the top 9 and will advise accordingly.

Click here to read more:

The SwanTimes November Edition

Chairman’s Report

Good day all, trust you all are well and safe.

Projects are going forward and I hope and trust that we will get some extra support from all the members. The new pipeline has been approved and is discussed in detail in the newsletter below.

S4 Auto has agreed to be the club’s new main sponsor and are contributing monthly towards marketing, SMS services, monthly prizes for medals, league shirts and other requirements. Welcome on board!

Read more:

The SwanTimes October Edition

It seems we are kicking off October with a bang, into Level 1, giving us more freedom and our first bit off good rain, which the course needs desperately.

Click here to read more:

The 29th of October might just be your lucky day

New HNA Handicap cards

HNA has issued a new handicap cards. They have been delivered and are available at the office. We urge members to collect their new cards which will be activated and the old cards will become invalid.

100 Club Draw

We will be hosting the 2nd 100 club draw on Friday the 29th of October 2021. We’ve doubled up on the winnings! There are only a handful of numbers left, members interested in a number, are welcome to contact Candice on 011 421 1341. Join us at 18h30 for delicious snack platters at R80.00 per person – let this be your lucky day!

Read more:

The SwanTimes September Edition

Thank you to those members that took their time to come to the 69th /70th AGM. It was great to see that members still have an interest in what is happening at the club.

Click here to read more:

Your reminder about The Lake Club Benoni AGM | 25 August 2021

2021 AGM Update

Dear Lake Members,

Please see the official notification below for the AGM taking place at Lake Club on Wednesday the 25th of August 2021.

Please note that all completed nomination forms will be posted on the noticeboard for viewing.

Only members in good standing will be able to participate in the AGM. Please contact Candice via email should you wish to confirm all is in order with regards to your account –

Read more:

The SwanTimes August Edition

As we all still struggle to get through this 3rd wave of Covid-19, the club is at least surviving through some really tough times.

Click here to find out more:

Your weekly golf newsletter

We have the latest range of PING products in the Pro Shop. From putters and drivers ready to improve your playing experience to beanies and gloves to keep you warm for winter golf, there's something for all your golfing needs.

Click here to read more:

Your weekly golf newsletter

A big shoutout goes to the reps from Callaway and Mizuno who have done an amazing job setting up our brand new walls and displays in the Pro Shop. From caps, shoes, golf shirts, golf bags, to their latest equipment, there's something for all types of golfers!

Click here to read more:

The SwanTimes June Edition

As we entered another wave of the Covid, I urge members to please ensure that you are vigilant, as well as open and honest about your own status. We cannot effort not to be, for the sake of fellow members and staff.

Click here to read more:

Adjusted Level 4 Lockdown Protocols

Following the President's announcement that South Africa is now on adjusted Level 4 Lockdown, the Exco would like to bring the following to your attention:

• Due to the contact nature of squash and soccer, these sporting areas will be closed for the next two weeks until the adjusted Level 4 restrictions are re-visited by the President of South Africa, OR we receive a directive from these sporting codes governing bodies indicating that participation is still allowed.

Read more here:

Your weekly golf newsletter

This Friday at the Driving Range, PING will have its amazing range of clubs available for you to come and try out. Adding 20 metres to your tee shot or hitting straighter shots could be exactly what you need to make your playing experience more enjoyable, so why not let us help you find exactly that. Our Pros and the expert PING team will be here to give you a personal fitting, so that you can walk away with the right club for your game.

Click here to read more:

Your weekly golf newsletter

We have a stunning range of Skechers Shoes in-store. Come in and try on a pair of these shoes. These shoes rank as one of the most comfortable golf shoes you will find at the moment.

Click here to read more:

The SwanTimes April Edition

Click here to read the latest SwanTimes and find out everything that has been happening at the Club:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Our awesome Ladies Section is running a raffle for this stunning Mother's Day Hamper. Tickets are only R10.00 each and are available from any of the Ladies Committee members. The draw will be done on Saturday afternoon, 8th May 2021.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Every Saturday, we host the Junior Development children at the Driving Range, where they get a golf lesson, as well as lunch and a cool drink. We have had three sessions already, and the numbers continue to grow every week.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

The SwanTimes March Edition

Thank you to all those who worked tirelessly to ensure the Club Champs was a special and successful weekend.

The Club has had challenges recently, and still, we had a well-prepared and well-manicured course to play on.

Read more in the latest SwanTimes:

Become a wizard and make some magic with your wedges

Sharper wedge play and more control around the greens is one of the quickest ways to improve your score and find more joy on the golf course.

Click here to read more:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Start a revolution on and around the greens and join us for our Cleveland Demo Day, taking place today from 10:00 to 13:00. If you are looking to play a better game on the greens, this is your chance.

Click here to find out more:

Your weekly golf newsletter

The new driving range balls have arrived and there will be a number of changes being made in and around the range in the coming days and weeks.

We are excited to announce that the FlightScope will be available at the Driving range from Saturday.

Read more here:

The SwanTimes February Edition

As we remain to fight the Covid pandemic and struggle ahead, we also had some very unfortunate incidents at the Club, which adds to our frustration.

The floods and fire were unusual events and both have set us back in our way of trying to improve the facilities.

Read more in the latest monthly newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

As most of you will have heard by now, we in the Pro Shop will be taking over the Driving Range as from 1st March 2021, and will officially open on Tuesday, 2nd March.

While we are very sad to see Gavin go, and wish him only success in his new venture, we are very excited to get a number of new projects underway at the Driving Range.

Read more here:

Meet the Staff – Installment 4

Rachel is a fully qualified PGA Professional, who is very active within the PGA, and currently sits on the Women In Golf Task Force. She has an absolute passion for her job, her club and it’s members, and will go out of her way to assist anyone who approaches her, with whatever it is they need. She is always ready with a smile and good advise. She has been involved in golf coaching since 2003, and has been in the retail side of golf for the past 10 years in one way or another. She is very meticulous in her work, and prides herself on keeping her shop fully stocked with the latest technology in equipment and clothing, as well as all other golfing accessories.

Read more here:

Charity Drive

So, have you had a big clean-up at home? Please would you consider donating your old golf equipment, clothes, golf bags and any other old golf paraphernalia that you are throwing out.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Covid-19 Protocol Update: Lake Club Benoni

Following the increase in Covid positive cases, please note the following:

It is the member/visitor/service providers responsibility to inform The Lake Club (Office/Pro Shop OR EXCO) immediately, should they test positive OR be in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19. Protocols are in place at the Club that need to be adhered to:
1. Covid + Test result: Inform the Club, Isolate and NO return to the Club until you have NO Covid symptoms for at least 10 days
2. Direct contact with a Covid+ person: Inform the Club, self-isolation for 10 days
3. Should you present with ANY of the Covid-19 symptoms, immediate self-isolation and get a Covid Test if these symptoms persist and/or worsen.
4. “Return to Golf” declaration form must be filled in (Covid+ AND close contact persons) and emailed to the club BEFORE return to golf will be permitted. No exceptions!
5. Let common sense prevail – If you suspect or know that have been in direct OR secondary contact with a Covid+ positive person, but are not displaying any symptoms as yet – PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE CLUB for at least 10 days!

Together we can beat this!

Most importantly: Wear a mask, sanitise and social distance.

#inthis together
#it is now in your hands

Should you have any queries regarding our Covid19 Risk Mitigation Plan, please contact: Cathy Ablett ( or Paul Slaven (

Your weekly golf newsletter

Looking for a fun and safe activity for your kids? We've got the perfect solution: golf! It's FUN, it's a safe environment where social distancing can be maintained and your children can learn valuable skills that will set them up for life!

Read our newsletter here:

Who says Level 3 Restrictions must be dull and boring? Spruce up your meals with fantastic zero alcohol drinks from Belgravia! Belgravia Gin & Dry Lemon and Belgravia Gin & Tonic in 275ml bottles for R25 each. Keep checking our facebook page because we are introducing new flavours and new brands of non-alcoholic drinks regularly.

Please remember to wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth when here at our Restaurant, and remember to sanitise your hands regularly. This (together with those delicious drinks above) is how we survive these challenging times together.

Read more:

Our gift to you - Good reason to play more golf

Members playing fees are 50% off all weekdays from the 7th of December 2020 until the 8th of January 2021. The course is open every Monday during the same period.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

The SwanTimes November Edition

As we are all still very much around the Covid-19 epidemic, the rules still apply; Lake Club will remain vigilant against this virus and will continue to do what is required to protect our member’s and visitors.

A big thank you goes to Cathy Ablett, who has been working hard as our Covid-19 Officer to ensure we conform to the regulations set by GolfRSA and other institutions. She is duly assisted by Candice, Denise and Rachel. We hope and pray that we all stay safe. I request that we respect the people who enforce the rules to ensure our members and staff are limited to exposure of the virus.

Read more here:

Meet the Staff – Installment 3: Thomas Masetle

Thomas is currently your Covid Officer; he has occupied this position since 13 June 2020 and has been our Assistant Caddie Master for the past two and half years. He is 22 years old and his interest in golf started at the tender age of six years old. In 2016 he was voted Player of the Year at Daveyton Golf Club, and also captained the Junior side there.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Come into the Pro Shop and let us make you up a gift hamper for that special golfer in your life, this Christmas. Or come and get your stocking fillers here.

We have loads of products to choose from with which to fill your hamper/Christmas sock. Ranging from tees and balls, to sunscreen, to gimmicks, to gloves, to clothes and socks and shoes, to equipment.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

We are excited to announce that the brand-new Titleist TSi2 and TSi3 Drivers will be in the FTG Pro Shop from this Friday.

28 of the players who played at the 2020 US Open at Winged Foot, were using these drivers, and it is the most-played driver on the PGA Tour currently.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Meet the Pro Shop Staff – Installment 2: Kyle Opperman

Kyle is 23 years old and a long-time member of Lake Club. Golfing runs in his family, with his father and Oupa also members at Lake Club Benoni.

He has been playing golf since he was eight years old and has been competing in golf tournaments since the age of 12. He currently plays off a 1 handicap. He is also passionate about Indoor Cricket and has been chosen for the SA Men’s World Cup side, who will be competing in Australia next year.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your golf updates are just a click away

Dear fellow golfers,

In an ongoing effort to try and ensure that all golfing members are aware of results, competitions, leagues and other general happenings in the Golf Section of the Club, I have taken it upon myself to develop a small informational website, which I hope will become our single source of information when it comes to Golf Section.

Read more here:

Your weekly golf newsletter

The Lake Club hosted its first PGA Pro-Am for 2020 on Monday, 26th October 2020. This is a monthly event, played at various courses, aimed at the PGA Professionals who get to invite three amateur golfers to take part in the day with them. The amateurs get to play with the professional and the professionals get to compete against each other for a small prize fund.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Meet the Pro Shop Staff: Kyle Murphy brings you service with a smile
Kyle is 21 years old and always has a smile ready for all customers and members when you enter the shop. This young man is always polite, friendly, reliable and willing to go the extra mile to help a customer or member.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Sonja is getting more enjoyment out of her game

Here's what Sonja Louw has to say about her experience:
I would like to thank you for your help during the weekly Ladies Clinic. I was really struggling to hit my driver straight and with your help to set up properly, I improved my aim and direction; my distance increased with at least 30 meters. Your coaching and regular tips on various aspects of my swing, allowed me to reduce my handicap from 32 to 24. Thanks to you I really started to enjoy my golf.

Keep up the good work!

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

There's no better time to stock up on golf balls. One can never have enough golf balls right?

So, be sure to come in store and get our Srixon Ball Special. Buy four sleeves at great prices, and get the 5th one free.

AD333, UltiSoft, Soft Feel or Q Star Tour

Read more in the latest golf newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Vuyo's game is swinging in the right direction

We have worked on getting rid of Vuyo’s steep backswing plane, as well as the over-swing. This change has made it much easier for him to optimise rotation on the backswing, as well as route the club back to the ball on a more consistent downswing plane.

Read more in the latest golf newsletter:

Snippets from the Pro Shop, Golf Academy and Grapes Restaurant

The new Srixon ZX Fairway woods, Drivers and Irons have landed and are guaranteed to increase ball speed and distance with every shot.

Find out more news here:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Have you seen the stunning new Cobra Golf Bag? Hurry in store to have a look! We will be raffling the bag at R100 per ticket and the draw will be done on the 15th of October 2020.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

Come in store and view the new Callaway MAVRIK Driver, Fairway woods and Hybrids.

The MAVRIK Driver comes in three specs suite to your own needs:
Max – For the non-consistent ball striker
Standard – For the general golfer
Pro – For the more consistent striker

Come in for a professional fitting and allow us to assess your swing and pair you up with the perfect driver head. Then allow us to fit a shaft that is 100% suited to your own unique swing. You will then have a winning driver custom fitted to your own needs.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Your weekly golf newsletter

On Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 2020, the FTG Pro Shop at the Lake Club Benoni will be celebrating our 3rd birthday with some amazing clothing specials.

We will also be promoting a stunning new ladies brand of clothing.

Find out more in the latest newsletter:

Re-Opening of Squash at The Lake Club Benoni

The Lake Squash Club Committee is excited to announce the re-opening of the Club for training and match play. The Lake received approval from Squash SA on the 11th of August for the opening of the Club during Phase 4, as presented in the Squash SA Return to Play, Operational Plan v1.2.

This will allow selected players to return to the Club from the 17th of August. The return to play of individually-approved Lake Club members will be a phased approach.

Read more here:

The SwanTimes July Edition

The past month was a rather sad month for Lake Club, as we have lost our very good friend and President, Ivan Conchar, who sadly passed away. RIP Ivan, your memory will always be with us.

Now the Lake Club is open for golf only, at least we can play the game we all so dearly love. I do, however, request that members must understand and take into consideration the rules put in place. It is critical that we look after each other and also be honest about our health to protect all who visit the Club.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Together we can keep making a difference

A special shout out goes to our members who supported our drive to help our Caddies in this difficult lockdown time.

We are happy to say they all received food hampers and some cash on Friday the 24th of April. We know this will make a huge difference to them and their families.

Read more here:

The SwanTimes April Edition

Dear fellow members,

I hope and trust that you are all safe and adhering to the regulations during this very critical time in our lives and that of the country. It is no secret that it is going to be challenging times ahead for us, our families and that of the Club. We have put in place a programme to look after the course and in particular, the greens during this lockdown period. This is to ensure we don’t lose our course, greens and bowling greens during these times. Wesley is managing this programme and he reports back to me every three days. At this stage, he is happy with the conditions and everything looks good.

Read more in the latest newsletter:

Covid-19 Precautionery Letter

We have distributed a detailed precautionary step to manage the potential risk of Coronavirus to all staff and service providers at The Club.

We will welcome members and visitors to our facilities every day and will continue to do so until further notice. However, all employees, members and visitors are sensitive to the potential risk of Covid-19. Please take the necessary precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of our own people and those who visit our club; it is important. We have increased awareness in and around the club. Be vigilant on ways to reduce the potential spread of the virus.

Read more here:

Club Championships 2020

What an exciting Club Champs weekend; we had a fantastic turnout. Thank you to all our players, sponsors and staff who made this a successful event.

A-Division came down to a four-hole play-off between defending champ Grant Tod and Jared Hall. Triumphing was our new Club Champ of 2020, Jared Hall.

Read more in The SwanTimes March Edition:

SwanTimes January Edition

We are thrilled with how well our members are doing! Well done to all of you. Read about the incredible achievements in our latest newsletter:

Have more fun, more often

By taking this very short survey, it will help us to determine what you value most when visiting the Swan Bar and Grapes Restaurant. This will ultimately help us to create the perfect social environment for you, our members, to have more fun, more often at The Lake Club Benoni.

Read our newsletter here:

The SwanTimes November Edition

Dear Members,

I cannot stress more importantly that we require the following to happen at the club for our own future.
1) Members support in all social functions when planned!
2) Pray for rain to get our course in a tip top condition.
3) More golf rounds are required. Please assist in bringing golf days to the club as this will certainly be beneficial.
4) Golf cart users must please stay away from the fairways and greens as much as possible.

Read our newsletter here:

The SwanTimes October Edition

After the AGM we have all settled into our new portfolios and we are expecting an exciting year ahead.

The Club has decided to “Go Green.” We have set up a recycling system for glass. There will be a designated area to drop off the glass, and we are encouraging you our members to drop off your glass when visiting the club.

Read our newsletter here:

The SwanTimes September Edition

As this message will only reach our members after the AGM I just wanted to thank every EXCO member for their support through a very interesting year.

Read our newsletter here:

Welcome to the very first edition of the SwanTimes!

Yet another month of golf has passed and we can now see how the course has been affected by the winter weather conditions. Please will those cart golfers try to stay off of the fairways as much as possible especially when there are frosty conditions. This will assist in protecting the fairways.

Read our newsletter here:
Dear Members,

Here within is the latest news on what is happening at the club:

As we all know and have seen, the painting of the Clubhouse roof and part of the surrounding fence was long overdue. And now, I am happy to announce that they have both finally received a fresh lick of paint.

I’m sure you will all agree that the painting has made a big difference to the overall appearance of the Clubhouse. The rest of the fence will be completed as soon as the funds become available.

Quiz Night at the Lake Club Benoni - Every Thursday Evening

Dear Members,

Please join us for Quiz night...
Every Thursday Night In The Swan Bar
Starts 18H30 and entry is free!!!

Bookings are essential, please contact Grapes on (011) 422 4276

We look forward to seeing you there...

Best regards,
The Lake Club Benoni

Two hole-in-ones were achieved in January. Congratulations to Billy Granger and Jeremy Wright for their aces on the 13th. This was Jeremy’s second ace on the same hole within two months.
8th December is our “RRR” day which will incorporate the official opening of our Captains Bridge, fund raising for the renovation of the swan bar as well as our annual Greenkeepers revenge golf day. Please support us by either playing on the day or attending the festivities at the club after.
Hello to all Lake Club Members, EXCO Members and Staff,

It is now three months that I have been in the hot seat and would like to share some info with you all as to what we are planning going forward.

First and foremost I congratulate Steve Schultz and all who assisted him for the past two years. Well done to all that were involved. Wesley is working hard on the golf course to get it into great shape. He is working on the 12th reshaping the bunkers and the area by the dam on the 15th. New trees have been planted around the course. Please compliment him when you see him as he is doing great work.
Join us this Friday night for an evening of fun
There is a Donkey Derby in the main hall. Tables are still available.
We have quite a bit of events lined up this September month! For one, the Ladies Clinic is restarting the 12th of September!

We hope to see you there!
Lake Club Benoni is participating in the NGD on the 3rd September 2018. To register for the challenge click here. Alternatively you can join in the fun by booking a tee off time directly with the pro shop. All are welcome. Please see all the information regarding the day below.